Thursday, 7 May 2015

Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)

SMAW is a process of welding that uses a fragile electrode coated in flux. SMAW have many names this process is also known as stick welding, Manual Arc Welding or flux shielded arc welding. In SMAW process as the weld is laid, the external coating of flux on electrode disintegrates, providing a layer of slag and a shielding gas. These elements protect the weld area from infectivity until the area cools. The external flux coating also performs more functions such as it provides control bead shape or arc stability.

Equipment & Operation for SMAW

The following equipment and operations are necessary for SMAW process.
  • Welding power source
  •  Electrode holder
  • Ground clamp
  • Welding cables and connectors
  • Accessory equipment (It includes wire brush, chipping hammer)
  • Protective equipment (It includes gloves, helmet etc.)

Welding Power Sources

Shielded Metal Arc Welding circuit we can use either Direct Current (DC) or either Alternating Current. In some specific cases, the power source must use constant current type. In this type, power source will deliver relative welding current or constant amperage. As it will remains constant so the weld beads which are produced will be uniform in shape and size.

Electrode Holder

The use of electrode holder is to connect different welding cables and ducts to the electrode. Electrode holder is available in different sizes and capacities. The purpose of insulated handle is to guide electrode over the weld joints.

Ground Clamp

The purpose of the ground clamp is to connect the ground cable to the work piece. A good ground clamp having the characteristics of carrying more electric current without overheating.

Welding cables and connectors

Electrode cable and ground cable plays an important role in the SMAW circuit. So different welding cables and connectors are also necessary components for the SMAW circuit.

Coated Electrodes

In Shielded Metal Arc Welding various types of coated electrodes are used. For different types of welding specific electrodes are used according to their types. For example, electrodes used for low allows and stainless steels will quite different from the coated electrodes which are used for mild or carbon steel.

For information about the Fabrication or welding you can also visit

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